It’s A Nice Morning To Garden

It’s so wonderful that listening to music at 3:50am would give you that much-needed lift to face another day…..gardening! I am excited though, even if my hands look like gnarled roots from an old tree, rough with age.

The Ruellia I planted outside is thriving well. My Vietnam Rose blooms every day with so many colors of flowers. I haven’t taken photos of them yet except these:

Another attempt at lovely purple Ruellia.

Another attempt at macro…my lovely purple Ruellia.


More purple blooms . they also come in pink and white.

More purple blooms . they also come in pink and white.


Pink Ruellia

Pink Ruellia


Pink vinca...

Pink Vinca…

And my pink rain lilies are showing those tiny shoots. again. They are nice grown covers but they produce flowers during the rainy season.  Next on the agenda, I have to repot these too. The bulbs are overcrowded.

My Amazon Lily in bloom.

My Amazon Lily in bloom.


“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul. “ This is a lovely quote by Alfred Austin.


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About arlene

It's been some years since I started this blog. Supposedly, it was only to share my plight as a cancer patient and survivor but over the years it has somehow evolved into something personal about my life and my family. So really glad to have met you all wonderful people out there. Someone commented once that he liked the title of this blog, Dreams and Escapes. Dream on, there are more things in life than we really think. Be happy, you only live once. Sometimes you also need an escape from the vicissitudes of life and this blog helps me cope. Welcome. Feel free to leave your comments, I do welcome them.

2 responses to “It’s A Nice Morning To Garden”

  1. LoveEatWander says :

    I learned a lot from your blog. I can’t seem to grow any life in our vacant lot and your blog inspired me to work harden and have a garden full of blooms. Keep it up!

    • arlene says :

      Thank you so much. I love gardening although it is hard to maintain even a small one. The rewards are endless. Start with those plants that need minimal care.

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